Ultimate Clip Store
I am of legal adult age and have the legal right to possess adult material in my community (18 in most US states and in Canada; 21 in AL, MS, NE, WY). I do not find images of nude adults, adults engaged in sexual activities or other sexual material to be offensive or objectionable.All material I receive from this site is for my own personal use, and will not be reused in any manner. I understand the standards and laws of the community to which I am transporting this material, and am solely responsible for my actions If I use the services of this site in violation of the above agreement, I understand I may be in violation of local and federal laws. I subscribe to the principles of the First Amendment which holds that free adult Americans have the right to decide for themselves what they will read and view without governmental interference. I will not redistribute this material to anyone, nor will I permit any minor to see this material, or any other person who might find such material offensive. Any such use will result in prosecution under full penalty of law. My interest in this material is personal, and not professional. I do not work for any law enforcement agency. I am not accessing this material to use against the site operator or any person whomsoever in any conceivable manner. I will not use any download managers or accelerators while accessing the site. I will not share or make my password available to anyone. I understand the content on this site cannot be shared or used on any other web site, media, or publication without permission from a representative of UltimateClipStore.com. This server contains no obscene material whatsoever, if you wish to view obscene material you must leave now.
Are you over 21 years of age?